Episode 8 - Robert Cassard Part II
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Here's your host, Steven Kellam.
Welcome to ChannelWaves, podcast
StructuredWeb's view into everything channel.
I'm your host, Steven Kellam, and joining us today to
talk all things video is Robert Cassard, founder and CEO
of Voodoo Video Marketing and author of Video Growth Hacking
a guide on how everyone, and he means everyone,
can leverage video in their marketing efforts.
Welcome, Robert.
Thank you, Steven.
Always nice to be here.
Hey, thanks for coming back again.
This is our second part and the first part.
A couple of days ago, we sat down, we talked
about what works in video today, why it's so important,
some of the challenges around getting partners engaged.
And we talked a little bit about the future.
The one thing we talked about briefly was the
distribution of marketing and where it's being used.
And I know you have a list of
ten items, listeners and people really like lists,
and so it's a really good list.
And I think we're going to start with Pinterest
at number ten, and I think we're going to
end up at Website at number one. Correct.
I didn't think you were going
to give it away like that.
So, yeah, basically what we're talking about today are
what are the video distribution platforms for business, what's
working, what doesn't, and I thought I might pepper
you with a little bit of information about the
monthly active users on each platform.
I think it's kind of interesting to know what's
happening in that way, what the trends are.
Okay, so coming in at number ten is Pinterest.
A lot of people don't even know what Pinterest is,
but it does have 85 million users in the US.
It's got almost half a billion users globally, but
it's one of the few platforms that actually is
dropping in usership, I guess we could call it.
But I want to mention Pinterest because
it's sort of an unsung hero of
certain businesses now, particularly in consumer products.
Anything that has to do yeah, for me, I was
going to say, for me, it's a consumer piece.
When you say Pinterest, I think recipes and how
to sew something, it is more than that.
And what I've seen, I know a number of marketers who,
if they're wooing a small business audience, particularly if it's okay
to have it skew female and gen z, which frankly, a
lot of buyers in technology are gen z. Right.
They're getting younger and younger.
It can actually be an amazing place to
be because one of the things that's great
about Pinterest is it's less crowded, therefore it's
cheaper, it's easier to dominate a category.
So I mentioned it not because I think it's going
to be the best choice for most of our
B2B users, but it's an interesting one.
There are opportunities there and I've seen companies use
it really effectively, even in B2B applications.
So Pinterest, that's interesting for me to see.
That could be used in a business
perspective, but the point is very valid. Right.
I think less crowded.
Maybe there's an opportunity for something
depending on depending on the product. Right?
Yeah, absolutely. All right.
Coming in at number nine, you have Instagram, which makes
a lot more sense to me in the technology space,
but you tell me so 127 million users in the US.
About a billion globally.
So it's it's a big market.
The the challenge with Instagram, from my perspective, is
that it's such a visual application, if you're going
to do anything on it, your video has to
look great, particularly as a company.
If you're doing a company video and
it's really designed for short attention spans. Right.
It's like a minute or less is pretty
much the sweet spot for video on Instagram.
You've also got another challenge, which on Instagram,
you have to decide whether you're going to
do your video landscape, meaning wide, or if
you're going to do it vertical.
A lot of the audience is looking at vertical.
They're looking at their phones.
That's interesting.
It's a mobile, dominant platform.
But one thing I've seen companies do well is to
do teaser videos that will then pull a viewer over
to a website to watch the rest of the video.
But I got to say that's a pretty sophisticated maneuver
to try to drag somebody with you from one place
to another and not for the faint of heart.
I think in general, the average
vendors can use it effectively.
I think partners, not so much.
It's going to be a challenge for them. Okay. All right.
How about the next one?
And I find this fascinating, the next one
you had was TikTok, and you had that
at number seven, and it's blowing up in
conversation, but you haven't ranked as number seven.
I mean, if I can, I'd like to lump number seven
and eight as Twitter and TikTok, because to me, there's a
lot of frenzy about both of those platforms right now.
But honestly, neither one has proven to
be particularly effective for B2B.
In my opinion.
One of the problems with both Twitter and TikTok
is that either of those platforms, there's such a
volume of content on them, it's kind of like
throwing your video into a massive river, and the
river is moving really fast.
So the vast majority of videos that get
put up there without any payment, they get
a handful of views, and then it's over. Right.
If you pay, it can be a different story.
So just kind of to set that up in terms
of other things, Twitter seems to thrive on controversy.
There's a ton of snarkiness there.
TikTok is thriving on cleverness and distraction.
So the videos that tend to thrive there and get
a lot of free views, they aren't generally educational, right?
And most B2B content is educational just by nature.
You're trying to educate potential buyers and do it
in this very sort of a calm, trustworthy way.
Hard to build trust on TikTok
because it's such a frenzied.
I'm flicking all the time to see what's next.
I hear all this talk, hey, there
are older viewers on TikTok, right?
That should work.
Are they in a buying mindset, I want
to educate myself mindset when they're there.
That's my question.
Then the last thing that I'm going to be honest I
despise about both Twitter and TikTok is if you don't grab
a viewer in the first 2 seconds, they're out of there.
So that's a very high bar for the average business
communicator to say I'm going to hook someone literally in
2 seconds and I'm going to keep them with me
when there's that temptation to go to the next video.
That's going to be clever, fun, whatever.
So they're tough.
I will say this, I have seen more
I'm going to say personalities in the channel
putting out TikTok and maybe from an awareness
perspective, from maybe an individual branding and that
individual branding carries over into the corporate branding.
Perhaps that's where it's heading.
But it's been interesting for me to see people in
the channel asking do you have a TikTok strategy?
It's always worth asking.
I guess the question is, are you
seeing the statistics from those folks?
What kind of viewership are they getting?
Yeah, and so I've talked to a couple of people
about that and it depends on your perspective, right?
If you can build your brand and be ahead
of the curve, if you're in the next place,
if you're willing to invest in that.
And I think for individuals that are remarkably
comfortable with video I'm a digital adopter.
I am not a digital native and
I've learned to work with video, right?
But for those who it is just second nature
and it's just so easy for them to sit
down and there at an event in somewhere and
it just becomes somewhere else that they're going to
build awareness and create a nice TikTok video.
And I got to say this very frankly, some
people are more clever on video than aren't.
So I guess my recommendation is if you can play
the game and you can do it, yes, do it.
If you can't, agree, maybe don't.
And the other side of that is anything
that you develop for TikTok could potentially be
used, for example, on YouTube as a short.
It has to be a minute or less.
But something that I didn't really think a lot
about when we were compiling this top ten was
that side of it where what about if you're
just going to post things on multiple platforms?
TikTok and YouTube shorts sort of go hand in hand.
And so if you leverage it in both places,
I can see that because then you have this
long term shelf life in YouTube and searchability in
YouTube, which you theoretically have in TikTok, but nobody
is searching when they're on TikTok. They're just not.
They're doing other stuff.
I completely agree.
If you are a person who's really comfortable on
camera and inherently kind of funny or interesting, or
you have a different way of looking at things,
or you're iconoclastic or something like that, then maybe
you got a shot on TikTok.
But I think for the average business to business
person who hasn't spent a lot of time on
a video cam, it's a tough one.
A tough one to stand out and
have it really be worth the time.
All of this is about where are you going
to get the best ROI from your time?
That's why I have TikTok way down there. Okay.
The next one is Facebook.
Personally, I might have put TikTok ahead of
Facebook because Facebook, to me is it fading.
To me, it just seems to be fading.
And maybe that's my personal exposure.
And maybe it's because as a digital adopter, I
grew up with Facebook as actually being something private.
And for me, Facebook was always the intimate
group of friends that I would share with.
I mean how long has Facebook been around.
I have 130 Facebook friends.
I don't think I need any more Facebook friends.
So TikTok has 180 million users in the US.
And Facebook has 242 million.
All right, so basically TikTok has two
thirds the viewership, they're growing faster.
Facebook has plateaued quite a bit in the US.
But it's interesting because what Facebook has
that none of these other platforms have
is years of behavioral and user data. Right?
So I don't really advocate
Facebook as an unpaid platform.
I think you can put a lot of energy into putting a
video onto Facebook and kind of get nothing or very little from
it if you aren't willing to pay to promote it.
Let me add a couple of things.
The number one rule on Facebook is if you're going
to put anything there, it better be a native video.
You need to actually upload the
video to the Facebook video platform.
It needs to rest on Facebook servers.
There's a logical reason for that, which is if I put
an external video link, let's say I have a YouTube video
and I put a link into Facebook to promote that video.
Facebook has no incentive to promote that video because
it's going to take somebody off their platform, right?
So the bottom line is, if you
upload to Facebook directly, it will massively
outperform an external video link.
So that's just something to know.
Don't waste your time on external video links there.
It's typically like ten times greater for
greater click through for native videos.
But here's the thing about Facebook.
If you're willing to pay for exposure, you can
buy really targeted exposure, and it's pretty darn cheap.
Part of what's so magic about is when
you go back into the Facebook advertising platform.
What you see is that you can target
people based on their interests, very specific technology
interests, for example, or people they follow. Hey.
This person follows Dave Michaels.
Oh, guess what, I can target that person.
It's pretty interesting when you
start to think about that.
There are people that you can use
as your advertising drivers and your targeters.
Now, another thing I've seen companies do really
effectively is just to have an ongoing follower
building campaign on Facebook targeted like crazy, right?
And it may grow very slowly.
It might be I'm getting five extra followers a
week or ten followers a week or something.
But imagine after you do that for a
few years, suddenly you've got a few thousand
followers, all of whom are interested in technology
topics like the ones you're promoting.
And it's incredibly inexpensive to
remarket to those people.
So you can create video content and for pennies
on the dollar, buy direct exposure where your videos
are going to show up in their feed.
Now, are people in a buying mood in Facebook?
Surprisingly, yes.
They may not be buying large ticket technology while
they're there, but they now have more often associated
being on Facebook or looking at their feed and
seeing some things that they're really interested in.
A ton of Facebook users have bought
something when they're surfing on Facebook.
You just said surfing. Sorry to interrupt.
You said surfboard.
I bought a surfboard, I bought a stand up
paddleboard and I bought a grill on Facebook.
That's the marketplace.
So that's there you go.
So I did buy something, but you did.
I'm not going to buy networking equipment or servers.
Right, but if that showed up in your
feed and it were positioned the right way,
it's something you might take a look at.
In fact, you might just be surprised, like, wow,
I never thought I'd see networking equipment on Facebook.
What is that?
It's surprising.
Okay, that's interesting.
I would have thought that there's a
pretty big gap between five and six.
We're going to jump into five right now.
I look at six to ten.
Maybe you could pull them together.
I think when you get to number five,
which is LinkedIn, you're taking a pretty big
jump, I think that's safe to say.
And again, Facebook probably worthless if you're
not paying for specific targeted marketing. Right.
But worth quite a bit,
potentially when you are LinkedIn.
Okay, so we got 170 million users in the US.
About 700 million globally.
They are pushing video actively right now.
So it's becoming a hotter and
hotter place for business videos.
Just like Facebook.
They want you to upload directly to their platform.
Again, they don't want to lose
people if they can avoid it.
But if you do have external links on LinkedIn, you'll see
like maybe a two or three times multiplier if you uploaded
it natively in terms of the number of views.
Whereas on Facebook, it's about a ten times multiplier.
LinkedIn is less.
They're not hoarders, put it that way.
They're willing to let people leave their
platform, I think partly because they know
they're going to come back.
It is the business platform, right? It is. Right.
So in terms of LinkedIn and LinkedIn video,
there are a couple of sweet spots.
One of them is a short brand awareness video.
30 seconds ish for your company.
Should probably just have it.
It's a good idea.
In general, the format that seems to do really well
as far as talking about specific products is sort of
a high level explainer, sort of up to two minutes.
Relatively casual and real needs to be authentic.
I think a lot of the videos that
are doing really well on LinkedIn aren't necessarily
the professionally produced, high end commercial style.
People don't want commercials.
But to have a real person from the company
talking about a product that's being launched or something
like that, that can be pretty powerful.
And then the last thing that also tends to work
well on LinkedIn are really long form, like webinar stuff.
Right? Yeah. It's fantastic.
I've done several and you can get thousands of
people and it's actually very interactive on a webinar.
The other thing yes.
So they've added live streaming.
It's a relatively recent thing, but so companies that are
using that creatively are doing things like, hey, we're broadcasting
a company event and we're going to do it live
on LinkedIn and LinkedIn loves them for it. Right.
It's like suddenly LinkedIn goes, you're using our
platform, we're going to reward you for that
road shows, that kind of stuff.
So it's good and getting better is what
I would say about LinkedIn at number five.
And before we get to number four, maybe we
can back it up and talk a little bit.
So when you go to Facebook, I don't think
it's business oriented and if you look at the
average age that the user of Facebook, let's just
say it's skewing north of 40s. Right.
And then you move into that young group like
my kids who are in their twenties, I
mean, they don't even know what Facebook actually is.
Right, right.
Then you move to LinkedIn and it
gets a little bit better because they've
understood if they've graduated from college, that
generation, that it is the business platform.
So I think you're getting better in demographics.
There having a broader spectrum.
No one is going to come away from this podcast thinking, I
got to just be in this one place and I'm done.
What we're really talking about here is giving you some
parameters so that you can come out and say, I
think I ought to be in these three places.
They're likely to be the three most
helpful for me, or something like that.
That's what we're hoping for.
So number four you had as YouTube
alternatives and then we're going to get
to number three would actually be YouTube.
So YouTube alternatives is what we're talking about.
The primary YouTube alternative in terms of
a public platform for video is Vimeo.
They've got about a little north of
40 million users in the US.
So they're about one fifth the size of
YouTube, which has about 260 million in the US.
The thing about Vimeo is that its
main differentiator from YouTube is visual quality.
So if that's really important to you, if having
super high end visuals, 4K plus kind of video
that's important, then Vimeo becomes a really good choice.
From my perspective, I look at Vimeo and say, why
would I want to be there instead of YouTube?
I wouldn't, from my perspective, because
YouTube is so much more searchable.
It's integrated with Google, it's
got all these benefits.
But what Vimeo is, is a great
place to also put your stuff.
Why not post in both places?
Because now you make your content
searchable to a larger total universe.
By the way, Vimeo and YouTube have a lot
of overlap in terms of who watches them anyway,
so you don't get a ton more exposure.
But the one good thing about Vimeo is there's
less competition there, so that can be a benefit.
The other thing, when I say YouTube alternatives, some
companies have an aversion to putting certain videos on
YouTube because they think, oh, these are more private,
these are things that we don't want our competition
to see what we're doing.
You can use unlisted videos on YouTube and
they're ultimately very hard to find if you
don't know where they are, they're not going
to appear in search and all of that.
But that really comes down to then private
video hosting and there are a lot of
companies vying for your private video hosting.
Brightcove and Vineyard and WyzOwl and others.
These are sort of like these corporate video
platforms and what they tout is control.
You get to control how your player
window looks, you get to control what
demographic and analytics you're getting back.
It's your universe that's very
attractive to most corporate marketers.
But ultimately they need to understand that everything
they put on Vidyard or WyzOwl or
any of these other platforms isn't searchable.
So it's not findable anymore.
It's totally up to them to get those
videos out there and get eyeballs on them.
So there are benefits to them for certain uses,
but I wouldn't say they're the end all because
searchability is really, to my mind, the number one
thing in terms of free eyeballs. Right.
Which then gets you to YouTube.
Exactly. Okay.
All right, so number three is YouTube 210 million active
users in the US every month, not 260.
Like I said before, to me, this is still in
terms of public forums, this is the place to be.
And that's because it's still the most
often searched and the most searchable.
It's the number two search engine
behind Google at this point.
It's going to be interesting to see how AI
starts to affect these search engines by the way,
because Bing just introduced AI into its search engine
and I'm going to be really intrigued to see
if people start getting addicted to that.
Now if they do, Google is going to add it too.
So we kind of know that's coming.
But nonetheless, just back to
this number two search engine.
The other really great thing about having your
videos on YouTube is that now in a
Google search, YouTube videos actually show up in
more than a quarter of Google searches and
they're little thumbnails and everything else.
So that's a great advantage.
Cost you zero, you might as well play it right.
87% of marketers say YouTube is a really effective
channel for them and that's an astronomical number.
And about the only thing that I see as a, I
guess a warning or caveat that I would give to someone
who's thinking about YouTube, putting videos on YouTube is you have
to own any content that you put there and you got
to think about your videos in a little bit different way.
Like on TikTok you can go grab a Rihanna track and
create a TikTok and have Rihanna playing in the background.
You can't do that on YouTube,
your content will be flagged.
YouTube has very sophisticated copyright flagging algorithms and it's up
to them kind of arbitrarily whether you get a strike
for using that thing and they tear it off or
they just say, oh it's okay, you can use it,
it's going to be monetized and so and so is
going to get the money from it.
The bottom line is though, you
need to own your content.
This can be a stumbling block for some
companies that aren't producing a lot of video.
They can have a YouTube channel and maybe just has
one company video on the channel that's okay, but they're
going to need to produce more video in order to
sort of flesh out the channel and make YouTube value
it and start pushing it in their algorithm.
So number two is emails.
Very quickly, my take on that before you jump into
it and you can tell me right, I should actually
listen to you before I tell you my take.
No, I want to know your take.
No, it's kind of cool for me to tell
you my take and then you can tell me
that I'm just, I like that, that's totally fine.
I only open emails for two reasons.
The intent has to be there.
It's got to be so much something that I'm thinking about
that or someone says I made a video for you and
now if the intent is there and someone says I made
a video for you, okay, I'll actually look at that.
I get 300 emails a day and I probably
open one or two on something like that.
Someone says, I made a video
for you, I'll open it true.
So I was even asking myself, like, why
did I put that at number two?
And the core reason is because email still has
a 57 to 1 ROI when it's done well.
So, in other words, for every $1 you
invest in email, if you're coupling it with
video, you should get $57 back.
That is crazy ROI, right.
My own personal experience, okay?
I've literally launched thousands of campaigns for
hundreds of clients, millions of recipients.
I can look at all those statistics and have looked
at them over the last 15 years or so.
It is a rare campaign that when you send
it out, does not generate some leads, right? It's rare.
And with both of my companies, we literally get leads
every single time we send out a new video campaign.
So why wouldn't we do it?
It'd be insane.
The only drawback on email
campaigns is your list, right?
It's your own list.
It needs to be a permission based list.
If you're going to use one of the bulk email
platforms out there, or you're going to get endlessly hassled,
which you should, you deserve to be endlessly hassled.
If you're using junk lists that you're buying,
you need to cultivate your own list.
But if you've got a good list, it's going
to kick butt and do very well for you.
So, a few years back, my company, Voodoo Video
Marketing, used to own our own email platform.
For years, we owned our own platform because we
wanted to measure all the stats and everything else.
And at a certain point, it was getting
harder and harder to get to the inbox.
You needed full time people that were in there
figuring out what the filters were doing and why
is this getting blacklisted and why not that?
And you have to sort of ride
all your customers like they're criminal.
That's not a permission based list.
So we got to a point where we
said, we don't want to do that.
We don't want to be the police anymore.
And we shopped around and we decided that Constant
Contact was sort of the best practices for business
purposes in terms of just bulky mailing, right?
It was good for us.
It worked for what we want to do.
And so what we've done over the past few years
is to take our clients and move them and have
them become managed accounts under Voodoo's Constant Contact account.
My dog is here saying hello.
And they get certain benefits.
Like, one of them is you get
rid of the Constant Contact branding, right?
So that that's a key thing because a
lot of people hate seeing Constant Contact all
over their emails, which I don't blame them.
But the bottom line is that Constant Contact and
many of the other platforms that are out there,
all they do is make sure that emails are
going to be whitelisted to the inbox.
They make sure that the statistics that
you get in terms of clicks.
And if you're going to remarket and move
somebody from one list to another and that
type of thing, that it all works perfectly.
So my attitude is let's leverage those
platforms that know what they're doing and
know how to get to the inbox.
If you can get to the inbox and you've
got a good list, eVideo is golden. Number one.
All right, I already spoiled at
the beginning of the podcast.
That's okay, it's a website.
It's your own website.
So I say this, I truly am a broken record
because I say every single entity, any company that has
a website must have a video on their home page.
And part of that is because the the Forrester research
statistic which says you are 53 times more likely to
appear on page one of a Google search.
If you have a video on your home page, you
know, a 53 times multiplier, how possibly could someone think
well, I'm just going to ignore that and not put
a video on my home page because it's too expensive
or it's too much of a hassle or I don't
know what to say, or whatever your excuse is.
You got to get past it.
And I can tell you all the reasons why.
Well, let's unpack that a little bit.
What kind of video, right, is that?
If I'm a partner, is that my CEO
talking about my company and my brand?
Or is it a video that you could use
from your vendor that is talking about their product?
And we talk about that all.
One of our tactics on our
platform is content syndication, right.
And how can you take not only images, but you can
take video from your vendors and put that on your website?
Sure. Yeah.
What we're talking about on your home page, it does
need to be a video that you own because it
needs to go on your YouTube channel, which again, we
said you have to own it for it to be
able to exist there with no copyright issue and then
it's embedded in your home page of your website.
So the reason why it's important to have it on
YouTube instead of another platform is because Google, part of
the reason you get this massive SEO boost from having
a video on your website is that they can see,
oh, it's on YouTube, which is their platform. Right.
Alphabet owns Google and YouTube.
And now the Google algorithm is going
to sort of incentivize people to have
their company video on their YouTube channel.
So it's kind of all one little happy family.
So in terms of that, it's got to
be let's talk about partners for a minute.
Our audience may be vendors, but they need
to understand how can you work with partners
to make them take advantage of video.
So my company, Voodoo, we work with a
lot of vendors and channel partners to get
company videos on the partner home pages.
And what we seek to do is to get
the vendor to approve some MDF to subsidize the
production of that homepage video for the partner.
So how can the vendor justify that?
The answer is because you're going
to do this problem solution video.
You're going to look at the company, the
partner company, and you're going to say, what
are the problems that we solve?
You elucidate the problem first and then you come
and you show how the partner solves it.
And then guess what?
The vendor's solution is part of
how they solve that problem, right?
So the vendor gets a little feature,
a mention, maybe their images of their
product are scattered into the video.
The idea is that it's a package.
We put enough vendor information and content in that video
so that it does qualify for MDF, but not so
much that it turns the viewers off and makes them
say, oh, this is just a commercial, it's a delicate,
you're walking a tightrope on that one.
But that's what we recommend to those companies.
Well, I think there's so many interesting
things we could talk about that right.
And what a partner sells, they sell their
brand versus the vendors brand and the MSPs
and a lot of different partners.
I think that's interesting on the MDF.
The other thing is, a lot of partners have 14 vendors.
So which vendor is on the homepage for that? Right?
It could be their primary vendor.
But those are all the questions you
kind of got to pull together.
Once again, a lot of partners would say, hey,
I don't sell this hardware or this SaaS solution.
I sell risk mitigation and business continuity.
Now, I think a smart vendor can come and
say, hey, we help you do all that, right.
I think you can work together to solve that problem.
And why would you not?
If you could end up with a 57 to 1, 53
x multiplier 53 x multiplier sorry, 57 to 53, I don't
think anybody's going to really argue it's 50 plus, right?
So in general, what we see is that often the MDF approval
will be for 50% of the cost of that company video.
Now, that's not going to be 50% of the national
average cost of a company video, because if you start
looking at national averages and you say, what does it
cost a company to do a fully professional national quality
video custom built from scratch on their homepage?
The answer is 16 grand.
Most partners are not going to
pay 16 grand for a video.
And we know that.
We've seen it a million times.
What we tried to do, voodoo spent a lot
of time trying to kind of crack this code.
And what we ended up realizing was that
we could create a template for a company
video that was relatively universal to most resellers
depending on their particular silo or niche.
But let's say voice and data that's a good example.
We have a voice and data template, and when a
company comes to us, a partner company comes to us
and says, we want a company video, we figure out
how we're going to customize that template.
There are like twelve different
ways that we'll customize it.
It feels like a completely original video.
They own it as an original video so
they can put it on their YouTube channel.
If a vendor is willing to come in
and pay 50% or multiple vendors to combine
together to pay 75, 80, 90, maybe 100.
We've had a lot of cases where partners
get their videos completely funded by MDF.
You just need to be creative about it.
And this is not cookie cutter stuff.
There's going to be negotiation that goes
into getting this stuff to happen.
But we find vendors are generally the enlightened.
Vendors know if we can drive more people to that
partner's website and they'll see us in the context of
that partner, it can only be good for us.
And in general, it's probably going to be a
lot better than the meet and greet that they
may have sponsored or something like that.
I mean, I shouldn't probably say
that those are great too.
Belly to belly is great, but this is really key.
Having that homepage video is so important.
And I tell partners, even if you don't have
MDF, you better darn well, do this video.
So what we spent a lot of time doing was
figuring out how low can we get the price?
And we've cracked it to the point where depending
on the amount of customization required, the video is
going to be somewhere between 3000 and $5,000.
That's a lot less.
It's less than a third the cost of just going
to a videographer and saying, set me up, you know,
plus, in terms of work, can't even measure the difference.
If you go to get a custom video made and
you're going literally from scratch with your scripts and everything
else, that's usually a two to three month process.
We got it down to ten days.
So that's how we do what we do.
And vendors love that too.
We can fit it within this quarter for MDF, right?
Oh my God.
Yeah, I'm sure they do.
I'm sure everyone would.
I mean, that's once again a third of
the price and then once again 50 plus. Yeah.
Here's the thing.
When you're under five K, that video is going
to pay for itself really quickly in terms of
the new additional traffic that that site is getting.
It's a very worthwhile investment.
And the cool thing too, it sits there on
the site for years in most cases, right?
I mean, a typical shelf life is
five to seven years on these videos.
So it's just sitting there improving
your SEO every single month.
If you think about it, anybody who found
the site, who wouldn't have if the video
wasn't there, that's just all gravy.
Every single lead that comes through the site is gravy.
So it's pretty cool, pretty easy.
All right, Robert, thank you for
taking some time with us today. Pleasure.
Thank you for giving us these ten great ideas.
Once again, what's the best way
for people to reach you?
They can go a little bit deeper.
Oh, and don't forget, you can plug your book as well.
Hey, my pleasure.
So I have a website VideoGrowthHacker.com.
That's probably the best place to go.
They can find out about the book.
It's called VideoGrowthHacking for Channel Chiefs.
So it has a Channel Chief focus, but it's
appropriate to anybody who's trying to figure out how
to use video marketing in a structured, strategic way.
And I'm happy to share a free ebook copy of that.
They don't need to go and buy it, so all
they need to do is reach out to me.
I like to give people on your show, your
show only I like to give people my personal
email address, which is rjwcassard@gmail.com.
So reach out to me by email or just go to my
site, VideoGrowthHacker, and you can reach me there as well.
Just tell me what you're interested in and we'll talk.
That goes for things like templated
videos for your home page too.
Hey, Robert, once again, thanks for
joining us for the second time.
Always fun. Hey, thanks for listening, everyone.
Have a great day.